Long & McQuade Musical Instruments i Langley

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CanadaLong & McQuade Musical Instruments



🕗 åbningstider

6339, 200 Street, V2Y 1A7, Langley, Greater Vancouver, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 604-530-8704
internet side: www.long-mcquade.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 49.1179102, Longitude: -122.6713657

kommentar 5

  • gidi nici

    gidi nici


    I was helped by Steve Martin with my purchase of UR22 steinberg interface and his advice is what got me through and I have never had any problems with the product. Long and mcquade Langley is my branch for sure You guys rock Gideon Kizito (theAfrican) Thanks

  • en

    Glenn Dobbs


    Get prices and great service. Very happy. 😎

  • en

    Shay Fernando


    By far the best Long and Mcquade I visited. The guys there are super personable and knowledge. Walking in there I'm always greeted with a welcoming hello and get such good vibes right away. I've made most of my bigger purchases there and continue to do so.

  • en

    Al Jasper


    I love shopping here. They for 30 years have been my number 1 go too. These guys know their stuff will not steer you wrong. You may be shocked when they pick up an instrument because they are insanely awesome musicians. So, thank you Long & McQuade you are my most successful relationship. In fact I’m heading there tonight. Love you guys! Always fair, open and honest.

  • en

    Paul Moreau


    Going into a place like this can be intimidating for a musically illiterate person but these guys were great. Everyone I dealt with felt genuinely excited for me. I'll definitely be back.

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