Lisgar Collegiate Institute i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaLisgar Collegiate Institute


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29, Lisgar Street, K2P 0B9, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-239-2696
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4207787, Longitude: -75.688366

kommentar 5

  • Fara Fellow

    Fara Fellow


    Friendly, welcoming community, great staff and amazing clubs, also a guaranteed method to getting strong legs.

  • Curtis Davies

    Curtis Davies


    Awesome school with a great work environment and staff. It's close to a lot of stuff downtown, which is also great! I'm loving Lisgar so far. PS: Join Spacesim pls and thank u

  • Nova Kelly

    Nova Kelly


    Great teachers, great location and great clubs (spacesim is the best)

  • en

    emeka njoku


    Lisgar or "LCI" is one of the best high schools worldwide. Coming from a rural school in remote African village in 1970, it was a family and school for me. The teachers examplified by Mr. David Lamperd who spent lunch hours teaching me sciences were most helpful. The history, international community(mini United Nations) and the spirit of academic excellence, leadership and sports is incredible. Proud an blessed to be part of this great school!!

  • Kira Jane

    Kira Jane


    Such an amazing school! If you go here, join space sim thanks.

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