Le Westin Montreal i Montréal

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaLe Westin Montreal



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270, Rue Saint-Antoine Ouest, H2Y 0A3, Montréal, Communauté-Urbaine-de-Montréal, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 514-380-3333
internet side: www.starwoodhotels.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.5036061, Longitude: -73.5595661

kommentar 5

  • Jordan Russell

    Jordan Russell


    We had a good time. Can't complain about anything. We made ourselves at home in this place. Our friends booked a suite and we had so much fun. Montreal needs a place like this to accommodate foreigners. The only thing we didn't try was the pool.

  • en



    Great, convenient location in between Old and New Montreal. Nice rooms, very clean. Fantastic entrance..off the street, out of the elements and unrushed off loading. Staff is the best. Very eager to help and their recommendations we're spot on! Terrific restaurants we never would have found. Looking forward to returning!

  • en

    B Chan


    Was in E11 for professional event. Conference halls clean and professionally set, restrooms are clean. Excellent venue for professional event. Breakfast / refreshments provided are of good quality and neatly placed, serving staff are polite. Excellent overall. My only irritant is the elevators are too few for such a large crowd. Nothing can be changed, so simply be aware for organizers/attendees.

  • Mallory Webster

    Mallory Webster


    This place was fabulous! We had a Deluxe King room and it was a corner room, which was neat. Lots of space. The bathroom was beautiful with an extra large shower. It was very quiet even though the hotel was full due to a nearby event. The subway was just across the street, as were entrances to the underground mall. It was a lovely stay.

  • Matt Bialek

    Matt Bialek


    Clean, quiet rooms in the heart of downtown... right on the border of "old Montreal". Great service and views. Central location makes walking a snap - from the Congress centre to Chinatown to Scwartz' Deli... it's all within comfortable walking distance. Full-service hotel with restaurant, convenience store, concierge, and parking. Excellent housekeeping services. Despite downtown location, rooms are extremely private and quiet.

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