Le Haute Ville de Québec

CanadaLe Haute Ville



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138, Rue Sainte-Anne, G1R 3Y3, Québec, Communauté-Urbaine-de-Québec, CA Canada
contact téléphone: +1 418-657-9177
site web: www.hotelvieuxquebec.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 46.8118821, Longitude: -71.2117641

commentaires 5

  • Alex McMillan

    Alex McMillan


    What a dreadful experience. My wife and I took our first vacation with our ten-month-old daughter in the middle of March, and the promise of staying in Old Quebec was completely enchanting. In reality, our stay at Le Haute Ville was so miserable that it forced is to end our vacation early. What could be worse? Upon entering the suite, we were struck by two things: first, that the room did not appear to be the one we had booked online; and second, what would turn out to plague our stay, a window was left open and the temperature in the suite was nearly that of the outdoors - a few degrees above zero. We tried warming up in the described "queen-sized bed" but guess what? It's actually a double! We actually had to turn the oven on to warm up the room for the sake of our baby because the radiators were incapable of heating the space sufficiently. In the middle of the night we woke to the sound of the wind howling through the suite. I got out of bed, absolutely frigid, and discovered that the window had been blown open. The latch was in such disrepair that a strong wind could readily open the window and let all of the precious heat escape. Our daughter was freezing. We did what we could to warm her up, but two adults and a baby do not at all fit comfortably in a double bed, so I lay shivering on the pull-out bed with the totally insufficient extra blanket the establishment provided. We had booked three nights but agreed that we couldn't endure staying another night. In the end, Le Haute Ville reimbursed us for two of the three nights. I'm still shocked that they didn't refund us in full after the nightmarish stay we had. The deception is right from the first. I would not recommend giving your money to a business that is sleazy enough to lie about the size of beds they provide. Shame on you, Le Haute Ville.

  • Pierre Jandot-Pers

    Pierre Jandot-Pers


    Propre, efficace, très bien placé. Seul (petit) bémol : à l'étage sans ascenseur

  • fr

    Louis-Paul Lavoie


    Belle locations, les installations sont super, et les prix sont compétitifs. Je recommande!

  • en

    Thomas Pedersen


    Avoid Le Haute Ville! Bait & switch. Our "studio apartment" was a very cramped dump, not what was pictured & described on line. Not enough room to open the closet all the way. Dead bugs & curly hairs between the sheets! Seriously. Owner didn't bother to shovel or chop the very slippery sidewalk at the entrance. Never again!

  • en

    Andre Onuki


    Excellent location inside Upper Town. A younger self had no complaints about the bed, but now I believe they could be improved.

Lodging la plus proche

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