LCBO i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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465, Bank Street, K2P 1Z3, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-567-7108
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4114379, Longitude: -75.6926747

kommentar 5

  • en

    Alex Jokuty


    Plenty of options for all types of alcohol. Friendly staff willing to help

  • en

    Daniel Irigoyen


    Excellent presentation, and the staff is attentive to help you find just he right bottle. It is nice to see that they ask for ID, no matter how you look.

  • Nashira G

    Nashira G


    Decent selection of wines/spirits/beers. Not extensive though! They carry a wide variety of alcohol just not a lot of different brands.

  • en

    K P


    Pretty good size, not one of those dinky LCBOs. Doesnt hold a candle to the rideau street location though (which has 2 levels, a much larger collection of high end wine and liquor)

  • Jenny Xenotropos

    Jenny Xenotropos


    The LCBO offers a wide variety of alcoholic beverages, from hard liquor to craft beer. Always clean and well lit, the store is organized to help you easily locate what you're after. I don't drink, so when I'm in the store I usually need help finding what I'm after, or need information on what's best to purchase for someone else. The staff are very knowledgeable and helpful. If you're like me, just admit up front you don't know what you're doing and they'll steer you in the right direction.

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