Knights Inn Kitchener i Kitchener

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CanadaKnights Inn Kitchener



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1455, Weber Street East, N2A 1A5, Kitchener, Waterloo Regional Municipality, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 519-893-6641
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.4311213, Longitude: -80.4387567

kommentar 5

  • en

    Meaty Plusisstupid


    Get what you pay for. Decent rooms, decent price, nothing special. New door lock systems are installed for convenience, but the coffee provided in the morning is terrible, go across to Timmy's instead. If you do have issues with the room, staff are usually helpful and accommodating.

  • Page Bradley

    Page Bradley


    It's a dump, nothing but bad people are in and out of there. Terrible things happen to people when living in pretty much every room. The owner him self is heavily in to drug's. Can't park your car either, or it'll get broken into if not stolen. Police are there constantly.. The rooms are very dirty, & I'm sure doesn't meet the heath and safety codes.This place doesn't even diserve one start.. That's still way to good for a run down place like this.. I advise No One go there ever.. the place should be shut down an burned down.. XXXXXXX

  • Khushpreet Singh

    Khushpreet Singh


    Best place to stay because is is near mall, tim, bar, and other food spots are available on walking distance. Staff is also good. My overall experience war good.

  • en

    Jason Taylor


    I have stayed here in the past a number of time's and stayed recently for 10 days. House keeping was very attentive to our needs and office staff is always polite. Was only disturbed once by a fellow traveler. Other than that a very pleasant stay. Not sure why so meny bad reviews? I will stay there again in the fall when I return.

  • en

    Ashraf Soltani


    It's a hole in the wall kind of place, not a hidden gem though. Owners put up with a lot of BS. It's a good place to go if you want a no questions asked experience. Lived there for about 6 weeks. The other extended stay/permanent residents are pretty nice. It's not a place for families. Good if you're single or just don't care anymore. Rooms are clean, just rundown looking. No bedbugs either. Management is good about fixing problems in the rooms, but if you don't tell them that there is a problem they won't know about it. Some people don't seem to get that. "Breakfast" is $10-15 of pastries from Food Basics. If you get there early they sometimes have donuts. Basically, it's a good place to crash when you are low on cash or out of options.

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