Kal Tire i Delta

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaKal Tire



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4826, Elliott Street, V4K 2X8, Delta, Greater Vancouver, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 604-946-6133
internet side: www.kaltire.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 49.0906, Longitude: -123.08253

kommentar 5

  • Roy Biedrava

    Roy Biedrava


    Always get my tires here, I did shop around to many other places. But in the end the quality of service and the warranty keeps me coming back !

  • Arthur Ma

    Arthur Ma


    Convenient location. Will adhere to the estimate they spent time to research and write up.

  • en

    Joe C


    Very pleased with the timely, competent service and the fair price. More importantly, Marcus Tait runs this Kal Tire center with integrity. Will be happy to bring my business there again in future.

  • en

    Samantha Lorette


    Since moving to Ladner a year ago I have read and heard many good reviews about the local Kal Tire, and I firmly believe that it is important to support local businesses so I took my car there couples months ago and asked for an oil change and for the wipers to get changed. I also asked if I could get a full report of the car since I had bought it second hand and wanted to know the condition of the car and the gentleman insured I would get the wipers done and would go over everything with me as to the status of the car. Couple hours later and waiting for the text message for me to pick up the car I decided to walk down the street to take a look since I lived near by and saw that my car was sitting in the lot but yet I had not gotten a message. I walked in to pick up the keys and when he rang me up I realized he didn't charge for the wipers, found out they didn't change them, asked the guy to go over the status of the car and everything they did and he said he had on information and they just did a basic oil change. So I didn't get what I was promised and had to wait extra for them to change the wipers. Anyways, two months later I realized that I had already reached the mileage that was written on the sticker even though I had several months before reaching the month stated so took it in and they said the oil was leaking but they can't be sure. And when asked why they didn't catch this on the last oil change they said they must have just missed it. I didn't appreciate the answer and the solutions (topping up more oil and waiting till the next oil change) they had and overall just didn't get the service I expected.

  • T Wellsby

    T Wellsby


    What a great bunch of guys. No complaints at all. Good work.

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