Kal Tire de Calgary

CanadaKal Tire



🕗 horaire

1620 14 Ave NW North Hill Shopping Center, Calgary, AB T2N 1M6, Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 403-284-4809
site web: www.kaltire.com
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0648048, Longitude: -114.0979843

commentaires 5

  • Sam and the others

    Sam and the others


    This place hasn't been helpful one bit!!! We lost money with an inspection as we asked if we can do simple work ourselves Eg. remove license plate cover... :I and other simple things. It is as if they get you in a trap to pay for services that you don't even want. Anyways we suggest that you take your vehicle elsewhere! you will save elsewhere definitely.

  • Calgary DJ

    Calgary DJ


    Had a flat tire due to a rim leak on my way to a DJ gig for 1st in Entertainment. They fixed it quickly for free, which is pretty nice of them and helped me get to work on time. On a random note the tire table is pretty fun. Friendly service and free coffee what else do you need?

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    Excellent. Saved me over $400.00 $500. On what I DIDN’T need😃😃👍👍👍💰💰💰!!!! Staff excellent. Wait better than being home. Recommend them to everyone. Tires also an excellent price!! Don J.

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    Christina Arthur-Dick


    Awesome service. Many thanks to your staff ( female tech working Friday ) who helped me out during the latest snow storm in Calgary. I stopped by as my Mercedes sensors suddenly signalled I had low tire pressure and no traction control on the slippery streets. Your staff was great to check my tires, and help reset my run flat indicator and get the traction control working again since the tires weren't reading low anymore. the sensors returned to normal within minutes and I was on the road again to pick up a kid! thanks again for your quick help so I didn't have to worry!

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    Lauren V


    Couldn't be happier! My tire decided to give out and get a huge hole Sunday morning, and they had a completely new tire (with similar tread and nearly identical quality to my other winters) both purchased and installed by noon the next day (Monday). Went in Tuesday morning to get everything re-tightened, as per their recommendation, and everything was equally as speedy. All in all, both visits combined took maybe just over an hour tops in total time, and were well within the limited budget I had, especially considering it being a pretty unexpected cost. Everyone I encountered was courteous, professional, and happy to help. Would go back in a heartbeat.

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