Hotel Senator i Saskatoon

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaHotel Senator



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243, 21st Street East, S7K 0B7, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Canadá
kontakter telefon: +1 306-244-6141
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.1268093, Longitude: -106.6632628

kommentar 5

  • en

    Teodora Milanovski


    Staff is really friendly and hotel is renovated but our room had very old bathroom and it smelled like "old" house. It is very convenient location if you visiting Saskatoon for show at the near by TCU place and shopping at Midtown Plaza. Within walking distance (5min walk) is restaurants, bars, night clubs or stroll by the river. The parking is behind the hotel and it's very small. First come first served basis to park under the carport if not you can park behind the other vehicle but you need to leave keys at the reception so that staff can move your car. If you don't like that idea you can park on the street. During the day is 2h parking(I'm not sure overnight).

  • Derek Perrin

    Derek Perrin


    Service was quick at the bar, but not at a table. Food was fantastic. Their new house brews are also really good.

  • en

    Nosey Nosey


    Three stars for the drinks, spot on! However our waitress? It seemed like we were taking up her time, that we bothered her! BTW what did you call me? Sweetie? My daughter has more respect than you! Minus the attitude you would have received a very good tip! Not sorry *Sweetie it wasnt happening! Lol

  • Brian Crump

    Brian Crump


    Winston's is the pub attached to the Senator. It's an old English design with a menu to match. They are renowned for their selection of beer which is varied, vast and always changing. The staff is quick, courteous and interwtesting to talk to. 5 star pub if it wasn't for being located downtown. Parking is gross.

  • en

    Kelsey Sawatsky


    A small older hotel. The staff were very friendly. Our room was small but clean. The breakfast was in the basement which was pretty dark but it had a good variety of items (both hot and cold). Location was great and we were able to walk or take the bus.

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