Hotel Rialto i Victoria

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaHotel Rialto


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653, Pandora Avenue, V8W 1N8, Victoria, Capital, CA Canadá
kontakter telefon: +1 800-332-9981
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.4278811, Longitude: -123.364751

kommentar 5

  • Shauna Clinging

    Shauna Clinging


    This is a fabulous place to stay if you are going to a show at Alix goolden Hall, Metro Theater, or the McPherson Playhouse. The rooms are always clean. The staff is always friendly. And breakfast is great

  • en

    Sandy Hyche


    We stayed at the hotel March 20, 2018. We needed our room early and the hotel staff did everything to help us, storing our bags and texting to let us know when it was available. The hotel was super clean and comfortable. We brought our bikes, had a flat on a tire, the hotel staff went out of their way to help us get it fixed and stored our vehicle longer than check out to let us have our bike ride. Good service is hard to find these days! Thank you to Hotel Rialto for great customer service!

  • dorrie williams

    dorrie williams


    Arriving Victoria at about 11am Mabel greeted me warmly and professionally and took me under her wing to organize my stay. She offered me one of the nicest rooms in the lovely, well appointed hotel and texted me when I was out to let me know my bags were waiting for me in my clean room. The bed was very comfortable, room was clean and the long drapery provides excellent light block for a good sleep. The morning continental breakfast was varied and held healthy options; again, I was well taken care of by staff. I would not hesitate to recommend both the lovely hotel and excellent staff. My new favourite Victoria hotel!

  • Rich Lazar

    Rich Lazar


    Super friendly staff. Bed was comfortable and room was clean. Fixtures were all new. The location is pretty good. I personally like this location better than on the harbor but it is a bit more noisy at night if that is a concern. We will definitely have this at the top of our list for future trips to Victoria.

  • alvaro martinez

    alvaro martinez


    Excelente lugar muy apropiado para el descanso

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