Hotel PUR, Quebec, a Tribute Portfolio Hotel i Québec

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CanadaHotel PUR, Quebec, a Tribute Portfolio Hotel



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395, Rue de la Couronne, G1K 7X4, Québec, Communauté-Urbaine-de-Québec, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 418-647-2611
internet side:
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Latitude: 46.8145979, Longitude: -71.2242115

kommentar 5

  • Danny Beaulieu

    Danny Beaulieu


    Good looking hotel, friendly staff. The decoration is trendy and the rooms are nice. The mattresses though, really need to be changed. I woke up with a stiff neck and back, not rested at all. I usually come here for work with several colleagues, but I'll suggest another hotel next time.

  • Marc-André Beauchamp

    Marc-André Beauchamp


    A great, modern and luxurious hotel. My two days at this hotel was the best in the world. Sadly, kids in the rooms next to me was yelling early in the morning.

  • Roberto Soares

    Roberto Soares


    The hotel is superb! Great rooms, great breakfast, great crew. The only negative point is location; quite far for walking to the historic district.

  • Gaëtan Boehringer

    Gaëtan Boehringer


    Great hotel, minutes walk to the old city and easy to access if you are driving. The rooms are large and we'll maintained. It comes with all the amenities you'd be expecting at this price range!

  • Lucas D

    Lucas D


    Really nice room. Comfortable bed. Good location if you don't mind walking a bit to see some of the main sites of interest. Overall great stay.

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