Hotel Le St-James i Montréal

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CanadaHotel Le St-James


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355, Rue Saint-Jacques, H2Y 1N9, Montréal, Communauté-Urbaine-de-Montréal, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 514-841-3111
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.502651, Longitude: -73.559643

kommentar 5

  • en

    Juliun Brabon


    The photos don't do this justice, we stayed in a junior suite, it was gorgeous. Incredible service, courteous staff, perfectly located In old Montreal. This is my first stay here, I'll never stay anywhere else again.

  • en

    George Meletakos


    Great location in Old Montreal. The hotel is stunning, the food is delicious and beautifully presented, the rooms are phenomenal, and the service is exceptional. I've never had a bad experience at the St-James.

  • Raj Sarma

    Raj Sarma


    An iconic landmark and very upscale for sure. The suites here are beautifully put together. However, the gym is very lacklustre and the rooms don't let in enough natural light.

  • en

    Philip L


    In the heart of downtown Montreal with many atttactions within walking distance. Service at the hotel was spectacular.

  • Jonas Barnett

    Jonas Barnett


    Old style charm and luxurious trappings make for a decadaent experience. While I liked the ornate tassel attached to my room key, it was a little uncomfortable to carry in the pocket of my jeans. The room was very clean without any visible wear while having turn of the 20th century decor, such as a roll-up writing desk. Concessions to modernity are a spotless bathroom and wifi. The service desk staff were extremely polite and friendly. Just lovely.

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