Holiday Inn Winnipeg Airport - Polo Park i Winnipeg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaHoliday Inn Winnipeg Airport - Polo Park



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1740 Ellice Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3H 0B3, Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 204-775-5055
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.8941378, Longitude: -97.2052881

kommentar 5

  • Sonny Banjac

    Sonny Banjac


    Stayed here on a business trip for 5 days. Hotel is well run, clean and has really friendly, courteous, and tentative staff. I was also pleasantly surprised that their in house restaurant had really good food and fair prices. Ate there half a dozen times and never a complaint. I also found it conveniently located. 5/5 for me.

  • en

    Lisa Miller


    Poor access as snow/icebank directly in front of door. No light options (sandwich/pastry) from restaurant-I was only offered the buffet. Temperature inside event room was very hot/muggy.

  • en

    John Morgan


    Had a 2 day conference w 50 people that finished today. Excellent facility and staff. Would certainly do it again. Great job!!

  • Mark Harewood

    Mark Harewood


    This hotel is always clean and comfortable, with a staff that is obviously engaged. I stay here often on business trips, and I've never been disappointed. Maintenance in some of the rooms isn't always perfect, but the beds and carpets are well kept, the restaurant is good, and I've got no complaints at all about the service. Always my first choice.

  • en

    Tony Klassen


    Love this place ! I've been the last few years for a couple weeks at a time. Hotel staff is amazing! Everyone was always pleasant and kind. Seemed like they were cleaning around the clock , all the winter muck brought in, and the place was always spotless. Working night or day shift, I got my rest and really enjoyed my stay. Awesome pool area & workout room as well.

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