Holiday Inn Oakville (Centre) i Oakville

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaHoliday Inn Oakville (Centre)



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590, Argus Road, L6J 3J3, Oakville, Halton Regional Municipality, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 905-842-5000
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.4580028, Longitude: -79.6857288

kommentar 5

  • Jacob Kehler

    Jacob Kehler


    Best accommodations in oakville for the price. Loved the pool, the bar was so so. Room was clean and the added bonus of free breakfast buffet really can't be beat here in not onky oakville but in all of halton.

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    Vicki Mains


    Excellent hotel. Great service, nice rooms and great restaurant/bar. Very accommodating for our conference. Great group rates.

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    Carol Deneau


    Very clean hotel - Beds were very comfy. I loved the open concept with restaurant and pool in the middle. Surpringsinly this does not affect the sound at night.

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    Holly Morrison


    My boyfriend and i love to go to the Bar inside this hotel. Its normally very laid back and surprisingly, a great place to watch the hockey games! The food is fantastic - i recommend their fish and chips and if you have room, the apple blossom dessert. A good quiet date spot!

  • Rabih Habayeb

    Rabih Habayeb


    Stayed as an overnight guest in the executive suite. Room is very large and spacious, with fridge, safe and coffee machine. King size bed is very comfortable, so are the pillows offered. Staff is very helpful, particularly in the restaurant for breakfast. We did have a very slight issue with a bug in the room, but nothing major. Would probably stay here again.

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