Holiday Inn Express & Suites Milton i Milton

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaHoliday Inn Express & Suites Milton



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2750 High Point Drive, Milton, ON L9T 5G5, Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 905-876-4955
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.533254, Longitude: -79.908799

kommentar 5

  • Marilyn Ashbourne

    Marilyn Ashbourne


    No mention of construction when I booked, and it was a bit uncomfortable at first. Rooms are nice though, so should be great when they are done it all. Staff was friendly and apologetic about all the closed areas

  • Olaf Comes

    Olaf Comes


    Spent the weekend here for a volleyball tournament. Hotel is in renovations so no pool or meeting rooms. Rooms are mostly redone and the one we had was nice and big with 2 queen beds, micro, fridge and Keurig. Renos to be done in about 2 months. Woild raye higher except for reno's. Also breakfast was ok but mot great




    IF I CAN RATE THIS 0/5 I WOULD. Absolute trash. Had the worst service from this hotel. Don't bother giving this place any business. The manager was rude and customer service had no idea what they were doing.

  • en

    Cory St Arnold


    Spent a week here in Jan 2018. Good hotel, comfortable beds and a good cont breakfast. However there was no mention of the extensive remodeling that is taking place at the hotel. Pictures online show a nice pool and hot tub. The attached picture is the pool. Only one working ice machine, on the 5th floor. Staff was friendly, but the whole time there I kind of felt deceived.

  • en

    Raiza Hurtado


    Excellent from beginning to end. I was concerned about the renovation issue, and it turned out to be in our favor. The room we had was completely renovated and it was gorgeous. I loved the bathroom, the TV, everything. The complimentary breakfast was great, there was only one person there to assist, but no need of more, since there were just few people. She, the front desk staff and the room service were the nicest people, and made our stay very enjoyable. I really want to come back and see the ground floor renovation!

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