Holiday Inn Express & Suites - Guelph i Guelph

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CanadaHoliday Inn Express & Suites - Guelph



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540, Silvercreek Parkway North, N1H 6N3, Guelph, Wellington County, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 519-824-2400
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.5523001, Longitude: -80.2980064

kommentar 5

  • en

    Lukáš Dočkal


    This hotel is nice... Training room means running belt, rotoped, stepper and set of steel for training. Pool is small but has also jakuzi with hot water. Room is nice and big and has also microwave. Only the breakfest is not so good. I mean plastik forks and knives? And polystyren plates? This is the most weakpoint of this really good hotel.

  • en

    Kate McDonald


    Nice, clean, quiet place to stay! Front desk staff was very friendly and professional. Pool was a little small but it was nice that they had a pool and hot tub. Would stay again!

  • Chloe Hamilton

    Chloe Hamilton


    Hotel was in a fairly convenient location with restaurants walking distance. The rooms were clean and had a fridge and a microwave. Staff was friendly. The breakfast included looked really good and had a great selection (I did not try it during my stay).

  • Sarah Parke Erochko

    Sarah Parke Erochko


    Nice enough, though a bit expensive for what it was. It's impossible to close the curtains all the way so there was too much light in the morning. The rooms were clean but nothing special. Breakfast was good but the pancake maker was strange... It churned out chewy, rubbery pancakes. Coffee was surprisingly good and available 24/7.

  • Mike



    Nice clean, well appointed rooms. Our room (#111) had a nice size refrigerator, Microwave, Coffee Maker and Flat Screen TV. Each room has it's own AC/Heater unit. I found them pretty loud when it came on. Also the Toilets there are SUPER loud. Got woken up a few times when my wife flushed the toilet. Also, the shower heads are pretty low. I have back issues and it was pretty difficult to wash my hair without hurting myself. Pretty small hotel, has a Pool and exercise room. Breakfast is included and was actually quite good. The Instant Pancake machine was neat. Has onsite parking and is close to a lot of restaurants.

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