Holiday Inn Express Quebec City (Sainte-Foy) i Québec

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CanadaHoliday Inn Express Quebec City (Sainte-Foy)



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3145, Avenue des Hôtels, G1W 3Z7, Québec, Communauté-Urbaine-de-Québec, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 418-653-9321
internet side:
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Latitude: 46.7590427, Longitude: -71.294824

kommentar 5

  • Neon Wombat

    Neon Wombat


    Location was easy to find and the staff were very friendly, the hotel is in the middle of a renovation but we weren't disturbed. Room was clean, my only complaint is the uncomfortable bathtub!

  • Andrew Draudt

    Andrew Draudt


    I stayed here twice. Nice people, but... internet was spotty on the first stay. The showers were funky each time: could not get the temperature to stay, and the knob would turn a lot before a noise was heard and the water suddenly got super hot. There are often many kids staying (school holidays?), who are noisy in the halls, and over-crowd the breakfast room in the mornings. Pipes were noisy and woke me at 5 or 6 each day.

  • en

    Stuart Jack


    Nice rooms that are very clean. Staff were friendly and genually nice, they offered good advise to me when trying to arrange a group trip into the city. Breakfast is offered with your stay but I think it is best to stick with the pastries and fruit etc as the cooked sausages were not so good. The only other issue might be the parking,there seems to be a lack of spots for the amount of rooms in the hotel, i ended up in the street on the Saturday evening which was a concern.

  • en

    Patrick Thompson


    No rugs so the floor is cold. Did not replace the Keurig Coffees that I drank. Did not replace the Shampoo, Conditioner, or hand lotion. Did not sign up for the green initiative so was disappointed when towels were not replaced. Would not recommend this place to my good friends. For work it will do the job.

  • Rachel McGraw

    Rachel McGraw


    My husband and I spent the first few nights of our honeymoon at the Holiday Inn Express in Quebec City. We were greeted at the front desk by a nice employee who quickly switched to speaking English upon realizing we didn't speak French. We stayed in a lovely room with a king size bed. Everything was very clean and I liked the bath and body works shampoo/conditioner/lotion that the hotel provides. My husband forgot his razor, but thankfully the front desk has actually nice razors and mini shaving cream bottles. The breakfast is pretty impressive, especially considering that it is included with your stay. Hot and cold options- cereals, scrambled eggs, sausages (turkey and pork), baked beans, yogurts, pancakes, pastries, and fresh fruit. The location is easy driving (or Uber) distance to the Old City, plenty of restaurants, and the airport. In nicer weather, it's also easy walking distance to the aquarium, some local restaurants, and a little grocery store. I highly recommend staying here when visiting Quebec!

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