Holiday Inn Calgary Macleod Trail South i Calgary

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaHoliday Inn Calgary Macleod Trail South



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4206, Macleod Trail, T2G 2R7, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Canadá
kontakter telefon: +1 403-287-2700
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.0165155, Longitude: -114.063728

kommentar 5

  • Justin Abraham

    Justin Abraham


    The service and staffing was amazing. Breakfast was great. Only improvements I would make, more stocked amenities available upon request. For example, earplugs, fan, etc.

  • en

    Deb McLeod


    Amazing service, clean room. Extremely friendly staff. I will definitely be staying there again.

  • Anu Bonsu

    Anu Bonsu


    This is a great location for a hotel. The bartenders are beautiful and entertaining. The guest services are very helpful as well. The only issue is the elevator not going directly to the front desk. This is a very well taken care of hotel for the time it has been around. It is right beside a train station super convenient for anyone that can't drive and has to stay in a hotel for the night after a hockey game or something. The restaurants food has great presentation and kids eat free with an adult who is staying in the hotel! Great !

  • en

    Brian Power


    I have been coming to this location for 2 years now as I frequently travel to Calgary for work. The location is convenient for me as it's close to both downtown and my office. There is really nothing special about the hotel itself, but the rooms are clean and it's fairly priced and conveniently located. The one thing that keeps bringing me back though is the staff. Everyone I've had the pleasure of dealing with at the hotel, from the front desk to the cleaning staff is absolutely top notch and a pleasure to deal with.

  • es

    Ferney Alonso Roa Muñoz


    Confortable. Limpio. Tranquilo.

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