Holiday Inn and Suites Winnipeg Downtown i Winnipeg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaHoliday Inn and Suites Winnipeg Downtown



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360, Colony Street, R3B 2P3, Winnipeg, Division No. 11, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 204-786-7011
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Latitude: 49.89126, Longitude: -97.151453

kommentar 5

  • en

    Perry Sawatzky


    Very terrible service. Told me I could not use the bike rack since it was blocking the entrance. Asked if I could pay for the service, or if there were alternatives. Was told “No no no sorry. No.” I recommend they move the bike rack if they do not want bikes there.

  • Nigel Hutchinson

    Nigel Hutchinson


    Staff are very friendly and helpful. Location was prime for work and for play (Jets game), pretty decent access to the rest of the city. The hotel is decent and serves it's purpose. Older building.

  • en

    Koby Gould


    Nice hotel. Very friendly staff. Good location that's closer to shopping and restaurants

  • Jord



    Decent sized rooms, very clean, affordable and comfortable! Went to the Jets game and was able to walk there! Had to pay 15 dollars for parking, but was a comparable price to the other parking spots around.

  • Ryan Oliver

    Ryan Oliver


    Very good location downtown Winnipeg close to the WAG. Be aware the pool is small. Good for families but not great for fitness. Workout room is also small. Still, great rooms, good location. Recommended.

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