Hilton Vancouver Metrotown i Burnaby

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaHilton Vancouver Metrotown


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6083, McKay Ave, V5H 2W7, Burnaby, Greater Vancouver, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 604-438-1200
internet side: www3.hilton.com
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Latitude: 49.2287045, Longitude: -123.0045462

kommentar 5

  • Andrew Bull

    Andrew Bull


    Very clean rooms, great location close to Skytrain and shopping. Friendly staff and great service. Fitness center is pretty small. Stairs not available except for evacuation. I feel pretty pathetic about using the elevator to go one floor, but if you go into the stairwell you get locked in there.

  • en

    Rosalind Ho


    I went to the Reflect lounge for Dine Out Vancouver. The food was good, and the lighting made it easy to see each other and converse. However, the music was a little too loud and the full tables are a bit closer to each other than I would expect of a nice restaurant. My biggest peeve about the restaurant was that I felt the servers were rushing us by bringing out our dishes very quickly; it was a 3 course meal, so we sat down at 6:45 pm, ordered about 10 minutes later, and had our bill brought to us around 8 pm. This type of rushing is totally inappropriate for a North American 3-course meal like this. I had not yet finished the last 2 bites of my entree and the server came and asked if he could take away the plate, so I quickly shoved the food into my mouth and then let him take the plate.

  • en

    Robert Burek


    Clean and in a good state of repair. Lots of shops nearby within walking distance. Large TVs and a comfortable bed. The work area was better than average and was comfortable for a few hours of work. The city and mountain view from the upper floors is a plus. The lobby staff was available at all hours and were helpful about the area and the adjoining mall. The breakfast area was fairly large with a nice view too, and there's a warm fireplace. The food selection was broad with a choice of healthy and not so healthy items. My one complaint was the three elevators were not adequate for the number of rooms during the morning rush.

  • Arved Seepe

    Arved Seepe


    Schickes Hotel mit großen Zimmern in der Metrotown. Direkt gegenüber gibt es ein Einkaufszentrum und eine Haltestelle der Stadtbahn in Richtung Downtown. In der Umgebung lässt sich abends einiges unternehmen (viele Bars und Restaurants). Parken ist hier leider nicht kostenlos.

  • Michael Beckmann

    Michael Beckmann


    faire Preise, gute Lage am TransCanada Hwy 1 nach Whistler, die Lounge bietet tolle Aussichten und leckere snacks, in der Umgebung wird viel gebaut, Parkplätze in der Umgebung kosten mittlerweile

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