Hilton Vancouver Airport i Richmond

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaHilton Vancouver Airport



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5911, Minoru Boulevard, V6X 4C7, Richmond, Greater Vancouver, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 604-273-6336
internet side: www3.hilton.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 49.1717576, Longitude: -123.1405926

kommentar 5

  • J Day

    J Day


    Great location. Breakfast is one of the best I have been too with US, European and Asian options. They also have a good relationship with a local gym if you want a real workout.

  • en

    Tahni Fortin


    Beautiful and comfortable suite. Central to great restaurants and shopping. Safe area to walk around at anytime of day.

  • Beth Bastedo

    Beth Bastedo


    The hotel is clean and the people who work here are very friendly. The only problem I had was how confusing it was to know what hallway I had to go down! After a day I figured it out, but there were still times that I felt turned around.

  • Jamie Watt

    Jamie Watt


    It's fine but not special. Convenient to airport. Got a good rate on Hotwire.

  • en

    Byron Cheung


    Maybe it was just bad luck but my one and only impression of the airport wasn't very good. 1st thing that annoyed me was those self-help check-in kiosk. Seems like most people would have to go to the counter after using the kiosks (including us), what was the point of those kiosks? At the luggage check in they somehow categorized by baby crib as oversized luggage (I have always been able to check it in as regular luggage before) and instructed me to take it to a separate luggage check in security check line. Somehow that line moved very slowly. And then a lady walked passed, the guy standing behind me had a car seat with him, she instructed him to a faster line. I told her my was just a baby crib, but for unknown reason she said I have to go through the special line, after that was about another 20min of waiting... And at the duty free store the clerk also seems to be pretty slow in handling checkout. Same impression at the newsstand.

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