Hilton Toronto i Toronto

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CanadaHilton Toronto



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145, Richmond Street West, M5H 2L2, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 416-869-3456
internet side: www.toronto.hilton.com
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Latitude: 43.64983, Longitude: -79.385669

kommentar 5

  • Andrew Naylor

    Andrew Naylor


    Visited the city for the weekend with my girlfriend. We stayed at this hotel and had a wonderful time. We had a junior suite room with a beautiful room on downtown Toronto. The hotel and the rooms were very clean and everyone was very helpful. Within walking distance of the mall or to the water. Will be coming back

  • Wail Dashash

    Wail Dashash


    The hotel is one of the best in Toronto. Staff are professional and very nice, welcoming, and helpful. Rooms are clean, neat, and comfortable. The executive lounge is quiet and perfect for reading or working on the computer. Restaurant at the lobby is great for breakfast with great staff and very delicious food, I haven’t tried lunch nor dinner here. Location is perfect. About 10 minute fast walk to the mall. During the winter time, the tunnels are connected to the hotel. So no need to get outside. I highly recommend it

  • Brittany Covert

    Brittany Covert


    Nice Hotel. Great Location. Was able to get a room with a view of the tower. Parking was underneath the hotel. We paid 30 CAD for one night and valet was 35, so really your choice not a big difference. No breakfast.

  • Veronica Hui-Rodriguez

    Veronica Hui-Rodriguez


    My stay here was short, but the experience was pleasant. The hotel service was good all around. Their hotel is very big and beautiful. It is centrally located in the downtown Toronto area. There's a Starbucks in the lobby area. The gift shop is not too impressive. The one con is that you have to pay for parking and it was not cheap. I believe it was $40 per night. We walked everywhere instead of pulling the car out of valet parking.

  • Carlos Pulquerio

    Carlos Pulquerio


    Had a great weekend stay. The hotel is at a good location with nice views from the city. If you are driving you can either park at the hotel ($) or at parking garages, which the closest one is a couple blocks away. The floor we stayed was newly renovated and you get what you expect from a Hilton. All the amenities, nice restaurants in the first level, clean and spacious rooms, etc. They also have a Starbucks there. Would definitely recommend.

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