Hilton Lac-Leamy i Gatineau

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CanadaHilton Lac-Leamy



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3, Boulevard du Casino, J8Y 6X4, Gatineau, Communauté-Urbaine-de-l'Outaouais, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 819-790-6444
internet side: www3.hilton.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.4472963, Longitude: -75.7237895

kommentar 5

  • Olanrewaju Raji

    Olanrewaju Raji


    Absolutely enjoyed my stay here. I was here as part of a conference and they couldn't have selected a better venue! The room was in perfect condition, the house keeping service was great, the customer service was top shelf and the overall hotel environment was amazing. Highly recommend this hotel to anyone visiting the Ottawa area and wanting to stay not too far from the Airport.

  • Daniel Montpetit

    Daniel Montpetit


    Great resort and hotel! The room was spacious and the bed was extremely comfortable. What I especially liked was the huge bathroom with a large stand-in shower and separate oversized bathtub. If you can, get a room on the executive level which come with access to the Conrad lounge, a great spot for breakfast and afternoon snacks. The pools are amazing, especially the outside pool in the winter. Also try the Arome restaurant. Great seafood and steaks.

  • en

    Chany Carr


    Beautiful hotel. Very soft and comfortable beds and linens. Amazing indoor, outdoor pools and hot tubs and a sauna. The night swim was fantastic in the cold and rain with the steam coming off the pool. Something I will never forget. A great view and PET friendly! You can walk inside to the Casino. Such a nice getaway. Would love to return.

  • Noemie Coulombe

    Noemie Coulombe


    This is an amazing hotel! She rooms are beautiful and clean. We also went to the exterior pool which was so much fun! They have a sauna and an interior pool too. The staff was extremely friendly and made sure our stay was as we wanted. I can't wait to go back!

  • Faridath Glawdis YESSOUFOU

    Faridath Glawdis YESSOUFOU


    It's a really beautiful place. The decorations outside look magical! And the inside looks great as well. The coat check ladies were amazing. They had a conversation with me. They were really nice to me. They certainly love it there. The place our event happened is one of their halls and it was beautiful. The food service wasn't also that bad.

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