Hercules Moving Company Ottawa i Ottawa

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CanadaHercules Moving Company Ottawa



🕗 åbningstider

27, Grosvenor Avenue, K1S 4S1, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-909-8661
internet side: herculesmoving.ca
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 45.3943078, Longitude: -75.6870725

kommentar 5

  • en

    Norrie Davidson


    I would highly recommend Hercules Moving Company. The team that was sent were exemplary. They were courteous - always asked for guidance - took great care with all of our belongings even when we said they didn't need to worry about some pieces. They worked hard and didn't stop until the job was done. Would absolutely use them again!!!

  • en

    Chris Ostrovski


    Very specifically we had to move an upright piano - The Hercules movers protected the home ( from any collateral damage to walls, floors etc., they took good care in wrapping and protecting the piano, secured it, removed it and delivered the piano in excellent form. The movers also did small things to facilitate the move. We will use them again. Thanks guys.

  • Tolga AY

    Tolga AY


  • en

    Jaquelyn Paul


    Hercules Movers Ottawa moved my apartment from Kanata; me and my husband were very excited about their wrapping technique! 100% safe move, thank you guys for that!

  • en

    Jimmy Becky


    Big thank you for Professional movers of Hercules Company :) They helped me to move from Toronto to Ottawa with absolutely no worries!

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