Happy Goat Coffee Co. w Ottawa

KanadaHappy Goat Coffee Co.



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326, Elgin Street, K2P 1M6, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakt telefon: +1 613-695-4628
strona internetowej: www.happygoatcoffee.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 45.4160615, Longitude: -75.6891023

komentarze 5

  • en

    Priyanka Pai


    Hot chocolate was kinda nice. Foamy milk. Yum. Food wasn't the greatest but it's an amazing place to hang out at! Comfy cushions and eclectic interiors. I personally love it.

  • en

    Lindsay Marie Walthert


    I visited Happy Goat in the first week that it was open and left a poor review. Now they are more established so I am updating my comments. I had a drip coffee and it was good but my friend's latte looked really yummy. I wish I had ordered that! This place seems to have quickly become a favourite for many. It always looks full!

  • en

    Sarah Wade-West


    Hands down the best coffee shop along Elgin. It has a very chill yet lively atmosphere - perfect for getting some studying done or just chatting with your pals. The espresso is great, and they offer a huge variety of vegan and gluten-free pastries which are also delicious. All the staff are very sweet, but Duncan and Theo are my favourite early morning weekend duo. :)

  • Sara Siu

    Sara Siu


    It's a positive review BUT first and foremost: please wash your hands! I just couldn't believe my eyes when the guy behind the counter, emptied the garbage can and then proceeded to prepare my order WITHOUT washing his hands. Disgusting. I get it that you're some hipster or what, but please respect the basic hygiene rules. Why isn't there a sink behind the counter? Really, they're lucky I didn't make a scene, the atmosphere was so nice, I didn't want to disturb anyone. Very nice place btw. On a more positive note, the donuts and coffee were delicious. Not sure I'll come back because I'll always wonder if they washed their hands or what, but it was a nice treat.

  • Kurt H

    Kurt H


    New, posh place to get your coffee on Elgin St. I got a drip coffee for $2.49. The best part though is they serve Mavericks donuts here! So good! Great quality bakery items to go with your great quality coffee. The location itself is great. And WiFi is password protected and fast for me while I was there. Also, this location used to be a Starbucks (since moved down the street) so it largely looks the same on the inside. It has a good amount of seating with tables, a high bar, and some leather chairs in the front. I think they probably could fit even more sitting in it if they wanted.

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