Hampton Inn & Suites by Hilton Langley Surrey i Surrey

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CanadaHampton Inn & Suites by Hilton Langley Surrey



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19500, Langley Bypass, V3S 7R2, Surrey, Greater Vancouver, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 604-530-6545
internet side: hamptoninn3.hilton.com
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Latitude: 49.1079345, Longitude: -122.6825192

kommentar 5

  • Richard D

    Richard D


    Bang on place! Everything is done professionally. The efforts in making your stay pleasant in non -stop. Nicelittle extra complimentary items such as mouthwash, etc, really makes a difference. Great rooms, splendid view. Well situated. The pool is amazing for kids and adults alike!

  • en

    Marija Wiebe


    Always an excellent stay at Hampton Inn & Suites Surrey/Langley. Customer service is exemplary. The free breakfast is excellent, far surpasses most that I have experienced. Pool/waterslide so much fun. Nice lobby area to hang out in with your group; always had complimentary tea and hot chocolate available (there might be coffee but we don't drink it, so didn't notice) It is our hotel of choice when staying in this area and will stay again.

  • Wilson Lin

    Wilson Lin


    Stayed here for a night once when I had a super late night in Langley and early day the next. it was a really nice stay and the staff are super friendly. It had a free breakfast station which was really nice. they offered rooms with big tubs in the bedroom which was neat.

  • Craig S

    Craig S


    I like he Hampton and would certainly recommend a stay at any of their locations. Unlike in the US, where every hotel seems to have a free breakfast, the Hampton is one of the few to have acceptable fair in Canada. Was at the Langley-Bypass Hampton for 4 days at a conference. Facilities were nice and what you'd expect - not super fancy, but well kept and adequate. There are nicer hotels, but at this price point I would say this is the winner.

  • en

    Josh Manfred


    Great hotel. A little dated, but well kept and comfortable rooms. Staff is always very nice and friendly. I have stayed here multiple times and will continue to do so when in the area. Beds are comfortable, irons work, plenty of water pressure on the shower, small gym but it all seems new and works well. Pool area looks nice, breakfast is good for what it is. Parking seems to always be available and its convenient for local amenities including grocery stores, restaurants, gas stations, retail stores, etc.

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