Hack Your Course Tutoring-West Vancouver en West Vancouver

CanadáHack Your Course Tutoring-West Vancouver



🕗 horarios

945, Marine Drive, V7T 1A8, West Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Kanada
contactos teléfono: +1 604-971-2533
sitio web: www.best-vancouver-tutors.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 49.3276911, Longitude: -123.1429304

comentarios 5

  • Jade Schmidt

    Jade Schmidt


    Hack your course offered us a good price in comparison with other companies that offered the same quality service. What strike made me more interested was the fact that the owner was a teacher, not just a businessman. The Tutor that they introduced was very patient and flexible and got along well with my son. His math improved significantly and we even used our free 2-hour online tutoring session that was very effective.

  • Addison Smith

    Addison Smith


    Hack Your Course gave us a great tutoring for my son's Math and English who is a grade 10 student in West Vancouver secondary school. Unlike most of the other institutes that my friends and I have tried for our children, they practice what they preach. First and foremost the charged us after the first session as they said they are sure about the quality of their tutors and it turned out right (they said they will not charge if the first session is not satisfactory). Second, they were following the quality of the tutors' work closely and the manager was clearly reading all the report written by tutors and followed up on the ones that concerned him. I introduced them to some of my friends in West Vancouver and their quality was consistent. That made me write a review for them as I think they deserve it.

  • Tina Rezaeikia

    Tina Rezaeikia


    This is a perfect tutoring company. They really care about the improvement of the students. I had a tutor for math of my daughter that is in grade 10. She was a 20/100 student at the beginning. After 10 hours of tutoring, she got 70/100 in her exam. We also started working on her science that saw significant improvement. We had some scheduling issues with the English tutor for my Son's grade 11 English but they changed the tutor right away and this one is good and also knows French so it is fun as my son likes French.

  • Amandine Barbier

    Amandine Barbier


    Good tutoring service and polite and passionate tutors whose quality of their work is followed closely by the management. We needed English and math tutors for our children in grade 10 and 9. My kids fall in love with their math tutors. For English tutors we had to change one tutor as she did not have a good rapport with our kids, the second one canceled on us before even starting but the third one is great. Even though we went through some changes but the manager made changes pretty fast and we are satisfied with the results. After all, tutoring is usually not a full-time job so changing is common. I also love the fact that Hack Your Course Tutoring gives the most of the fee to the tutors, unlike other institutes. I do recommend them to anyone in the North Vancouver and West Vancouver.

  • en

    David Baker


    High-quality work and brilliant tutors. Unlike other tutors, the tutors that hack your course introduced for Math and Chemistry of my son were very organized. We received a report detailing our son's progress every session. We tried some tutors from other institutes and even independent tutors but Hack your course worth the money. They call us every other session to check the quality of the tutor's work. My only problem is that they are more responsive to emails rather than calling, though they reply you in a matter of minutes. Benefits outweigh this problem.

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