Green Papaya de Ottawa

CanadaGreen Papaya



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1374, Baseline Road, K2C 0A9, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 613-238-8424
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 45.3622447, Longitude: -75.7370276

commentaires 5

  • en

    laura klodt


    Very tasty food. Spicy or not depending on your preference. Beautiful and varied serving platters . Cozy booths, or tables for more. Reasonable prices. Licenced. Will be back :)

  • Brad Goldthorpe

    Brad Goldthorpe


    Went there for a paint nite and had a blast. Setup and atmosphere was excellent but didn't try the food.

  • Lesley B

    Lesley B


    The baseline location has a lunchtime thai buffet. It is good and varied and well presented. I don't know of any other thai buffets. Not cheap but I go once in a while.

  • en

    Meron Fitwe


    Not very flavorful. Very basic. Service is ok. Tried the Baseline location twice and twice disappointed. The one in Hull is better. Not wasting money here again.

  • Howard Rosenblum

    Howard Rosenblum


    Food was good but the portion was small for the price

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