Grand Hotel And Suites w Toronto

KanadaGrand Hotel And Suites


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

225, Jarvis Street, M5B 2C1, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canada
kontakt telefon: +1 416-863-9000
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 43.6564815, Longitude: -79.3737305

komentarze 5

  • en

    Amanda Roberts


    This was our second time staying. The hotel is beautiful. Rooms were really clean. We used the roof top hot tub on a snowy night. Beautiful pool. Great morning breakfast that was included with hot items to choose from. Very helpful staff. Parking was a little scary. Almost scraped our car turning onto the downward ramp in the underground because it was so cramped. Was disappointed when we got in our room that we received a queen size and not a king size. Would stay again.

  • Marie-Josee Arsenault

    Marie-Josee Arsenault


    I absolutely love this hotel. The staff is amazing and helpful. The rooms are beautiful and the food delicious. Highly recommend this place.

  • en

    Tina Methot


    Just stayed at the Grand Hotel. Excellent customer service. ALL staff were friendly, polite, and extremely accommodating. Clean hotel room, clean hotel, and lovely restaurant, Citrus, with great food and service. Highly recommended. Will stay again!

  • Steven Secord

    Steven Secord


    Had a great weekend away with friends. Hotel is just wonderful with very comfortable beds, a great pool, and nice hot tub on the roof (even in cold, snowy weather). Location of hotel is great being an easy walk to downtown and lots of great restaurants in the area. Breakfast is one of the best I've ever had at a hotel, and is one of the reasons we come back every year.

  • en

    Ann Cameron


    Every time we're in Toronto we like to spend our final night at The Grand. The rooftop patio and hot tubs are our favourite part. If you go in the winter, make sure you bring a toque! They typically play music videos on the projection screen but unfortunately this was not working during our last visit. This was completely understandable as it had something to do with the extreme cold temperatures we experienced in January. If you go, you must try the restaurant! Great innovative food and amazing cocktails. The restaurant manager and bartender treated us like family as we waited for our room to be ready. The rooms are kept very clean and the beds are perfection! Can't wait for our next visit.

najbliższy Kwatera

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