Ginza Ramen Sushi and Sake Bar i Ottawa

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CanadaGinza Ramen Sushi and Sake Bar



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280, Elgin Street, K2P 1M2, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-233-2888
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Latitude: 45.41742, Longitude: -75.690233

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ryan Mockett


    The staff here are incredibly polite and the food is really amazing. Suggestion: get Takoyaki!

  • Bibek Shrestha

    Bibek Shrestha


    The Ramen here tastes great. Their prices are also comparably cheaper than other places, service is fast. They have limited selection for vegetarian options though.

  • Shannon Jones

    Shannon Jones


    Nice little neighborhood place with a limited menu. Soup was good, seaweed salad very good, squid tentacles were the star. Rolls were uninteresting.

  • en

    Alexandria Roy


    Went to try ramen for the first time. Service was prompt even though they seemed busy. California rolls were delicious and ramen was good from what I could tell as a first timer. A couple of the chairs were very uncomfortable but otherwise would definitely go back.

  • en

    Radek Chlistovsky


    Stopped at the Ginza on Elgin after I heard good things about their ramen. The ramen was not up to standard: the noodles tasted like they were out of the little packages I used to eat in university, with the same consistency. The broth was not flavourful, the egg was hard boiled, the mushrooms cut too thick and the bamboo shoots tasted like they were from a can. The venue is okay and the service was great, but I would never come here for ramen again.

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