Funeral Co-operative of Ottawa / Coopérative funéraire d'Ottawa i Ottawa

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CanadaFuneral Co-operative of Ottawa / Coopérative funéraire d'Ottawa



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419, Saint Laurent Boulevard, K1K 2Z8, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canadá
kontakter telefon: +1 613-288-2689
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4476509, Longitude: -75.6499192

kommentar 5

  • en

    Loreen O'Byrne


    We really appreciated Jason Swan's guidance and assistance in making the arrangements for my mother's cremation and Celebration of Life. With his wealth of experience, he gave us the opportunity to make our own choices and to rely as needed on the excellent services and contacts that his organization provides. Everything was perfect; we couldn't have asked for more. I highly recommend Jason and the Ottawa Funeral Co-operative to anyone who is making end of life arrangements.

  • en

    Rachelle Fauteux


    Jason Swan was such a helpful resource, since the family was not sure where and how to start. He took the time to explain and answer our questions thoroughly. After investigating a couple of other options, we decided to deal with the Funeral Co-operative of Ottawa. We did not feel pressured to make unnecessary expenses. Jason was most professional, compassionate and thorough. He stood by our side every step of the way and appreciated his presence. Thank you Jason. We highly recommend this funeral home and the cost is very reasonable.

  • Janet



    Jason was kind, friendly, and extraordinarily helpful. He went above and beyond what was expected, offering the best possible service.

  • en

    Monica Creery


    An excellent option. Funeral Director Jason Swan was exceptionally helpful and supportive at a very difficult time, dedicated to doing the best for us without pressuring us to spend unnecessarily. We very much appreciated his warmth,sincerity, and organizational skills.

  • Vlad Hrybok

    Vlad Hrybok


    Funeral cooperative of Ottawa was huge help in our time of sorrow. Jason was super-helpful, managing to get everything together under tough time constraints, getting vendors and contractors to do everything we needed on our timetable. Their prices are competitive and the service was absolutely thorough and unobtrusive. Many thanks.

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