Foosun Moving & Delivery i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaFoosun Moving & Delivery



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226, Russell Avenue, K1N 7X5, Ottawa, Ottawa Division, CA Canadá
kontakter telefon: +1 613-981-1126
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.421375, Longitude: -75.674605

kommentar 5

  • en

    Barry Ma


    great service ! never take a break, I have to ask.

  • en

    Jack Tang


    great service

  • en

    zhenzi wu


    Foosun moving company is fast and reliable. Mr. Li went above beyond with his service, not just moving but he helped me assemble furnitures too! Extremely helpful, and very careful with your personal items. I definitely recommend foosun to anyone I know. Also the price is very reasonable! I can say Foosun moving company is the best I hired so far.

  • zhihao he

    zhihao he


    Foosun movers are the best in town. Hired them to move out of my apartment this month. Moved fast without any issue. Highly recommend!!

  • en

    ZhenFang Zong


    I booked their moving service of my 4- bedroom house in late December via their website. The movers came on time and did their job efficiently and professionally. They wrapped my furniture carefully with pads and loaded the moving truck with no spared space. No dents and scratches on my walls or furniture. Charge is pretty reasonable. We are happy with their amazing job.

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