Executive Royal Hotel Regina i Regina

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaExecutive Royal Hotel Regina



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4025, Albert Street, S4S 3R6, Regina, Division No. 6, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 306-586-6755
internet side: www.executiveroyalhotelregina.ca
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 50.4148334, Longitude: -104.6172215

kommentar 5

  • Erik de Vries

    Erik de Vries


    A nice hotel. Comfortable beds, neat and tidy room and courteous staff. The pillows were exceptionally nice. Housekeeping does a very nice job, our room was made over perfectly each day. We stayed three nights. This is a quiet hotel, at least on our floor. It's not "new", but very well maintained. Will stay here again.

  • en

    Chet Hembroff


    Venue was great for our board room. They served lunch as well and the food was simple but delicious.

  • John Milburn

    John Milburn


    This is an older hotel that has been maintained in good condition. It appears to be in a state of near continuous upgrade - that doesn't interfere with occupancy. The breakfast is in the restaurant and is quite good. Staff are all friendly and helpful. This is very good stay for the price.

  • en

    Jordan Nerona


    Location was convinient, plenty of restaurants and things to do within walking distance, more if you are willing to drive. It is also a short drive from the airport. A buffet is within the hotel, although we did not visit it. The front staff was lovely. Rooms were clean and quiet.

  • Adam Spyksma

    Adam Spyksma


    It was a quick overnight stop before moving on. The woman at the front counter was extremely nice although a little hard to understand. The beds and pillows were amazing after all the other hotels we had stayed in recently. I got a great night sleep and felt rested in the morning. The bathroom and shower where pretty much like every other hotel, nothing spectacular but got the job done. There was a small quiet workout room with three pieces of equipment. Also not sure if the hotel was supposed to be dog friendly but I was surprised never the less when I saw a dog walking down the hallway. The hallways and doors gave a kinda dingy feeling but the rooms were nice, clean, and comfortable. Overall a pretty good experience and would stay here again if driving through Regina.

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