Evolve Chiropractic & Wellness Center 5th Avenue de Calgary

CanadaEvolve Chiropractic & Wellness Center 5th Avenue



🕗 horaire

330 5 Avenue SW, Suite #116, Main Floor, Calgary Place, Calgary, AB T2P 1R2, Kanada
contact téléphone: +1 403-474-7792
site web: www.evolvechiro.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0487096, Longitude: -114.0694086

commentaires 5

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    Michael Hartley


    After a car accident, I visited Marc Pesant for physiotherapy treatments. His combined physio treatments with a change to my gym routine and incorporation of acupuncture with the wonderful Dr. Amanda Perizzolo has me feeling so much better after only a handful of visits. I recommend them both!

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    I got treated by Marc. He's an excellent physiotherapist who helped me with my leg issues, and got me back to exercising without pain. The clinic staff are friendly, and the environment is great for rehab.

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    Kelsey tarraran


    Erica is a rockstar. I havnt felt this good in a long long time. Hip and back aggravation due to an MVA. Girl you make me feel like a million bucks!

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    fifi fifi


    Very disappointed with the shock wave therapy. The intensity was too high and took me 2 weeks and Naproxen to get back to the pre-therapy conditions.

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    Rina Guerrero


    If there is score lower than 1 is what I would give this 8 avenue place. The actual massage therapist, chiropractor, physio therapist and Christine are great. However, they have this business manager who was the worst person I ever dealt with. Very unfair on how she treated my situation. I would stay away from this place because of her.

Physiothérapeute la plus proche

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