Elite Hotel i Whitehorse

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaElite Hotel


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206, Jarvis Street, Y1A 2H1, Whitehorse, Yukon, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 867-668-4567
internet side: elitehotel.ca
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Latitude: 60.722073, Longitude: -135.055076

kommentar 5

  • Andrés Su

    Andrés Su



  • en

    M Z


    Used car fresheners hung from the fire sprinklers to "freshen" the room which made it almost unbearable to be in due to the smell. Yes, decently sized rooms and centrally located however very loud especially on weekends as it is located above restaurants and bar. Unpleasant staff with zero customer service skills, not friendly nor helpful in any regard.

  • en

    Raquelita Escudero


    I like the place, with two restaurants nearby, large and quiet rooms, near downtown and bus station.

  • Talatcan Uysal

    Talatcan Uysal


    That was a wonderful hotel. I accommodated 2 nights and hotel crews were so nice to me. The price is extremely affordable and quality of the Elite Hotel amazed me!

  • aXiao aXiao

    aXiao aXiao


    This hotel is very aged. The rooms are actually big and spacious. Clean enough but could certainly use a linens update. The staff are nice. It's nicely located to everything. The deal breaker here is that it's over a bar and it's super loud. (Thin walls) If you enjoy the night time bar scene it's going to work fine but it's NO good for families. The WiFi also didn't work for us for some reason.

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