Econo Lodge Kingston i Kingston

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaEcono Lodge Kingston



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840, Princess Street, K7L 1G3, Kingston, Frontenac County, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-549-4546
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.2395414, Longitude: -76.5085578

kommentar 5

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    Matthew Kang


    I stayed here a few years ago and had worst experience. Bed bugs bite me several spots on my body while sleeping. A hotel employee confirmed lots of bugs under the mattress and sent me and my wife another hotel near to. Next morning was worst things happened. An Indian female hotel manager asked me extra charge staying at another hotel and said "there is no hotel without no bed bugs. Argued few minutes and the manager just let me check out. I did not have enough time because going to drive up to Quebec. just left there but had enough time really wanted to wash all my stuff and asked her to pay back my all the cost. Be aware of that many bed bugs were here. I did not share my experience here at the moment so that sharing now.

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    Judie Hopcroft


    Great value , clean and great location

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    Great front desk staff very friendly and helpful! Very good place to stay if you happen to be in kingston.

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    Jess McGraw


    It was a good location for access to downtown and nightlife. I Thedy that helped us book the rooms was absolutely wonderful, she booked us a great room last minute and we were definitely happy with our stay. The price was a little high and when we asked for a late check out they said that they don't do that on Sundays but when we called later to ask if we had left something behind the new person at the desk was able to go into the room and look with no issue so we can assume the room was empty which was a little upsetting. Also, there were a few areas that looked pretty torn up and definitely needed maintenance. I would stay there again if the prices were a little better or if it was another last minute necessity.

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    Matthew Chatten


    Ok hotel. But a few things. They make you sign a waiver indicating 24 hour quite free zone that is definitely not what it was even at 1am. I'm a light sleeper in a new bed and I was woke a few times. There was hair in my bath tub, walls and ceiling was pealing of paint. Very very strong scent of bleach even at my check in at 9pm. Comfortable bed, loud AC/ fan to off set the noise

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