Dr. Karim Ali DC RMT i Ottawa

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CanadaDr. Karim Ali DC RMT



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407 Laurier Avenue W., Ground Floor, Ottawa, ON K1R 7Y7, Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-233-8700
internet side: www.ochconline.com
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Latitude: 45.4173903, Longitude: -75.7024317

kommentar 5

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    Highly recommend Dr. Karim Ali, I walked by their office a few weeks ago when I had noticed the window sign stating "Orthotics" which I needed mine replaced. I had an underlying issue with an "plantar fasciitis", mentioned it to him and he was able to assist me with a proper treatment plan. After a few sessions with physiotherapy from Dr. Karim Ali, and doing my part of the physio, I am now able to play volleyball once again pain free, also waking up from piercing/throbbing pain no longer. Thank you so much, I am quite happy I had walked into your clinic to get information on the orthotics, and that our paths crossed. I will definitely be going back for any issues you provide. - Ren

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    Kyle Polito


    Battled a tough sciatic problem for over a year. Dr. Karim fixed my issue right from the first session and within a short time of seeing him with regular visits my mobility was back to normal, relieving me of the daily pain I struggled with. Would definitely recommend Dr. Karim Ali to family and friends.

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    Concrete Shine


    I work in the construction indusrty and as you can imagine working long laborious hours that I am always exhausted, sore muscles and in pain. I live close by Dr. Karim's clinic and decided to give it a go and I am extremely happy that I did so. I have never felt such a release of tension in my body and how free my body felt from all that stiffness. Dr. Karim truly has healing hands and he really knows what he is talking about. Do not let his youth fool you. He is even more helpful than my own personal doctor. Thank you Doctor!

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    Podolski Podolski


    I have always had issues with my back ever since my accident 10 years ago and was always contemplating whether I should go see a chiropractor because I didn't want to go to someone that would "fix" me temporarily. He even went out of his way to inform me about ways I can improve my performance at the gym. I am extremely glad that I fell into the hands of Dr. Karim because he is very patient, educates his patients and the best part is that there are no "pharmaceutical" drugs involved. His ways are as natural as can be, and the way it should be, and simply does what he knows works. Dr. Karim is very competent and hands down an example of a practitioner who truly cares about his patients. You will NOT be disappointed!

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    Sara R


    Dr. Ali is one of the most competent chiros I have ever been to. I have chronic back pain and he has treated me with adjustments, soft tissue and acupuncture. He has helped me be more mobile and functional day to day. He is very knowledgeable, skilled and caring. He takes the time to explain his treatments, is easy to speak with and always leaves time to show me exercises that will decrease my pain. I have seen significant improvements since I have started seeing him. I would highly recommend him to help manage any time of mobility or pain issues.

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