Dollarama de Saskatoon




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513, Nelson Road, S7S 1P4, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 306-651-1265
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.1508533, Longitude: -106.5684149

commentaires 5

  • Hafiz Waqar Zafar

    Hafiz Waqar Zafar


    I like the fact that you have all items within a certain range; however lately the prices are on the rise and some times similar items are available at dollar tree for much less. Also the quality and some times even quantity of items for the same price has been decreasing. Like you get 10 instead of 12 cloth hangers for the same price now. So my advice is to check at other places before buying something at dollarama.

  • Douglas Neufeld

    Douglas Neufeld


    Great prices and friendly staff, love picking up essentials and snacks here. Prices are shockingly low compared to places like shoppers or 7-11

  • Zaheed Bardai

    Zaheed Bardai


    It's usually pretty well stocked but unfortunately, there's only ever 1-2 tills out of 4 open. The lineups can be too long to make your visit convenient.

  • en

    Iram Suhail


    I frequently visit dollarama in university heights.. it's fairly big and has lots of everyday stuff at good prices... the quality is not long lasting but for the price it's a good deal ... I usually buy the disposable plates and glasses etc...and some plastic containers too... usually I go to buy a few things and end up buying a lot lol...

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    Desmond Moore


    Not the best location in the city. The store seems to be run by a bit of a slack manager or the staff is a bit lack luster. Other wise it is a pretty standard Dollarama with a decent parkaid attached.

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