Disney Store i Vaughan

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaDisney Store



🕗 åbningstider

1, Bass Pro Mills Drive, L4K 5W4, Vaughan, York Regional Municipality, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 905-760-8111
internet side: stores.shopdisney.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 43.8255315, Longitude: -79.5350162

kommentar 5

  • Bill O

    Bill O


    Great time while I was here, staff is very nice and friendly! Thanks for a magical experience

  • Andrew Oz

    Andrew Oz


    It started out when we went to the LEGO store, it was my little ones birthday, and they were very rude! We came here and we were greeted by the friendliest staff, so sweet and nice, they even has a small gift for my daughter on her birthday! Thank you for your warmth and making us enjoy a magical experience!

  • en

    L M


    The staff is always cheerful! Have a magical shopping experience

  • Chas Ellis

    Chas Ellis


    If your in to Disney it's great but very expensive

  • en

    Aman Gupta


    I find that Disney store at Vaughan Mills is no longer an outlet store they have the same promotions as regular Disney stores. Plus before you can buy one frozen doll on sale now I have noticed past 3 years they force you to buy two in order to get the sale price otherwise you have to pay the full price. What is the point of having an outlet store please change the sign. Also I find the price is a lot higher in canadian compared to the United States Why? I am sure other people will agree with me that shop at Disney Stores Across Canada.

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