Deluxe Hotel Vancouver i Vancouver

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaDeluxe Hotel Vancouver



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3505, Kingsway, V5R 5L8, Vancouver, Greater Vancouver, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 604-435-3347
internet side:
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Latitude: 49.2322063, Longitude: -123.0291036

kommentar 5

  • Ricardo Bustamante

    Ricardo Bustamante


    For the price and location, really good. Recommended.

  • en

    Mike P


    A clean quiet Hotel with access to the sky train Perfect for the weekend get away

  • Kaileen Cualing

    Kaileen Cualing


    DON'T COME HERE...We check in late and tired from the trip. The room is big. Newly renovated. However we heard a noise and thought maybe it was from different room. Tried turning on the AC to mask the noise but we have to turn it off because we feel like we're getting sick. We're restless. I had to check out at 3am because of the noise in the walls. WE CAN'T SLEEP. The receptionist mentioned about the pipeline. Also, there's no phone in the room to communicate with the front desk. Tried calling through my cellphone and no one picked up the phone call. The hallway makes noises as well when you walk because the flooring is too old.

  • Marcello Delcaro

    Marcello Delcaro


    It was great! Nice bed, beautiful bathroom, great hot shower and PLENTY OF CHANNELS. WiFi a little slow but that's okay. Good stay. Close to amenities and Minoas Taverna!

  • Alex Mackenzie

    Alex Mackenzie


    Rooms were clean and smelled good. Beds were comfy, and the staff were very helpful. They were even able to accommodate me when my credit card wouldn't work. I'll be staying again in the future

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