Days Inn & Suites - Thompson i Thompson

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaDays Inn & Suites - Thompson



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21, Thompson Drive, R8N 0M3, Thompson, Division No. 22, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 204-778-6000
internet side:
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Latitude: 55.74482, Longitude: -97.844806

kommentar 5

  • korey lee

    korey lee


    Clean quiet rooms. Decent price for the area

  • Awesome 13

    Awesome 13


    I came into town and booked at last minute. Trish the front desk agent answered all my questions which were quite a bit, and she was soo pleasant to deal with. She went above and beyond my expectations. I will definitely stay again next time I’m in Thompson and will highly recommend this hotel to anyone that asks. Thank you ! Also very nice and clean rooms and great breakfast.

  • en

    Jim Dunphy


    Always clean and neat. Professional and friendly staff. Excellent breakfast program.

  • Lori Bibeau

    Lori Bibeau


    I haven't stayed here but just dealing with staff was awesome. The manager( pat) herself was very kind and went out of her way to help me. Very much appreciated. Thank you.

  • Graham Brand

    Graham Brand


    Bed was comfy. Staff was friendly and helpful. Breakfast is included. Rooms were clean. I'd stay again.

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