Dairy Queen de Calgary

CanadaDairy Queen



🕗 horaire

2126, Crowchils Trail NW, T2M 3Y7, Calgary, Division No. 6, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 403-282-4947
site web: www.dairyqueen.ca
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 51.0704539, Longitude: -114.1170109

commentaires 5

  • Andrew Cewl

    Andrew Cewl


    Best service I have ever received at a fast food joint

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    Alicia Trenholm


    Ive been here a few times as I'm from out of town staying near here. And every time I get a blizzared they never make it right even after I tell them the last time they didn't. This was the last time for me sorry.

  • en

    Debbie Hillier


    Food was olded tasting and dry. Salad was what looked old and tasted it. Drinks to watered down. Willnevergo there again . And i love dariy queen. So disappointed

  • Calvin Kawa

    Calvin Kawa


    They Don't Really mix up blizzards very well here. Most of the time it's vanilla ice cream for most of the blizzard. the only reason I go to this location anymore is because it's open later than the others. I really wish they would try to do better

  • Sarah Carefoot

    Sarah Carefoot


    Good food. Good ice cream and the staff let us have dinner and then desert after.

Magasin la plus proche

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