Councillor Allan Hubley i Ottawa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaCouncillor Allan Hubley


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110 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, ON K1P 1J1, Kanada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-580-2752
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4210479, Longitude: -75.689916

kommentar 5

  • en

    Bryan Murray


    A waste of time

  • en

    Peggy Hartery


    Councillor Hubley and his staff have always been extremely helpful and generous with their time in helping me and my family with any concerns or problems. I think we are extremely lucky to have such conscientious people representing our community.

  • Michelle



    Councillor Hubely is the reason I stay in Kanata South. Anytime I have a question, concern or even a suggestion, the Councillor's staff always respond in a prompt and courteous manner. I have made several traffic suggestions and each time I do, I inevitably see the surveyors out there gathering data in order for the Councillor to make an informed decision. Understandably, my suggestion can't always be used, however, the fact that this Councillor acknowledges my request means he's listening and will do WHAT HE CAN within the parameters of his position. Additionally, I appreciate all that the Councillor does to bring our Kanata South communities together, whether it's Women's Day or Seniors Day, Wagon rides over the winter holidays or supporting our local businesses and charities, it is clear this Councillor cares about Kanata South. I am proud to have Councillor Hubely represent my community and appreciate the close knit community he has fostered over his years of service.

  • en

    linda Dupuis


    I find Hubleyuseless he is to busy on other things to care about Kanata south nice if he would look at Terry Fox Drive he might find out the road doesn't work for the area anymore it is not wide enough and we need turn arrows

  • en

    April Boomer


    Counsellor Allan Hubley and his team are fantastic for our Kanata South ward. Everytime I have emailed or called, my issue is resolved fast. He'll ALWAYS have my vote!

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