Comfort Suites Downtown i Montréal

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CanadaComfort Suites Downtown



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1214, Rue Crescent, H3G 2A9, Montréal, Communauté-Urbaine-de-Montréal, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 514-878-2711
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.4964747, Longitude: -73.5747769

kommentar 5

  • Ontime Freight Services Inc

    Ontime Freight Services Inc


    Location 5 star...staff was was big with 2 queen and sofa bed....sunlight will wake u at 6 am as curtain was too short....getting noise whole night from outside....tap doest function properly...but still worth to stay at prime location....parking was 25$ per day.

  • Robert Beeho

    Robert Beeho


    Good value in downtown area. Beds clean and comfortable, brakfast OK. Hallways and elevators need sprucing up. Helpful courteous staff.

  • en

    crayton heritage


    nice folks at the front desk and a good location if you are there to party. but the rooms i rented were not clean and anything movable was falling apart. we'll try another hotel on our next trip to this interesting city.

  • en

    H M


    Good prices, clean accommodations. Hall ways outside room could be better done but a very good bargain. Great location. Staff was friendly. Breakfast was decent, nothing big. However would appreciate if they used different chafing dish for eggs and bacon as the steam from bacon gives the eggs a Smokey bacon flavour, not vegetarian friendly.

  • en



    Very basic hotel with laughably shoddy service. The room was clean, but everything was weathered and coming apart at the edges. Room on arrival had barely any tissue left, and what I swear was a 75% depleted bottle of hotel lotion. Bought a bottle of local cider once to enjoy in the room, and asked the front desk for glasses...but this place only has plastic and paper. Thank goodness it was bubbly and didn't require a corkscrew, because I bet that's also too fancy for them. Tried to have some water from the cooler in the dismal fitness room (1 treadmill, and something else)...and the tank was empty. One evening, after a shower, I reached over and turned on the fan...and the power shorted, plunging the room into darkness. Told front desk at 18:20, they made a note...returned 2:30 in the morning to find absolutely nothing was done, and it certainly wasn't communicated to the night guy. He flipped the breakers to no avail, so we had to immediately pack everything up by phone flashlight and relocate to another room. We were told to speak with management in the morning...who conveniently wasn't in. "Call back in 2 weeks!" they told us...I'm sure nothing will be done or compensated. While the hotel is located close to the Metro and is walking distance to many are many others. Save yourself the despair and avoid at all costs.

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