Comfort Inn i Kingston

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaComfort Inn



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55, Warne Crescent, K7K 6Z5, Kingston, Frontenac County, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 613-546-9500
internet side:
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Latitude: 44.2676195, Longitude: -76.5018489

kommentar 5

  • en

    mochaguy 22


    I had no problems with my stay. I couldn't speak for my coworkers though. The decor is a bit outdated but at least there's free hot breakfast.

  • Brent D.

    Brent D.


    I'm a tradesman and was there on business so I wasn't expecting anything fancy for an overnight stay. It was clean, staff were pleasant and professional and the breakfast was above what I expected for the price. Waffles (self made), eggs, bacon and hash brown potatos etc. It's what you'd expect (nothing fancy), well worn floors/bathroom sink cracks etc, but the beds and towels and bathrooms were clean. It isn't the Ritz but it was clean,, somewhat modern and taken care of... I'd bring my family. It was as nice as the super 8 but everything gl is in one building and there are a lot of places within walking distance to eat.

  • en

    Becca Long


    Staff were very friendly and the breakfast was above average; pastries, bread, cereal, fruit, omelette, sausage, waffles, yogurt, hard boiled eggs, coffee and tea. It exceeded my expectations. However the room had a strange smell to it. Kind of like a wet towel smell. It wasn't the towels however, which smelled freshly bleached. The presentation of the towels in the bathroom was sloppy-- like they'd been hurriedly thrown over the rack. And there were splashes of what I assume was cleaning product on the wall of the shower. The heater/cooler wall unit was quite loud, which actually worked perfectly as white noise for us, but it didn't seem to respond to the thermostat changes. Overall, we got what we paid for. It was reasonably priced, and if you can overlook the odd smells then it was perfectly comfortable.

  • Marcena Lau

    Marcena Lau


    The comfort Inn I stayed at was right off the highway. It was great in terms of convenience- restaurants close by. Good service at concierge and breakfast was included. 4 pillows provided. Coffee maker in our room did not work, nor did the hairdryer. Carpet was a bit grimy.

  • Liz Maffett

    Liz Maffett


    Facilities were clean but a little run-down, the pricing is appropriate. Pet fee very reasonable and staff were helpful and friendly. Unfortunately we happened to end up next to a very noisy women's team from Trent who gossipped quite loudly early Saturday morning. But I suppose that's more of a commentary on college girls than it is on the Comfort Inn.

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