Coast Inn of the North i Prince George

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CanadaCoast Inn of the North



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770, Brunswick Street, V2L 2C2, Prince George, Fraser-Fort George, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 250-563-0121
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.9136826, Longitude: -122.7500968

kommentar 5




    Best Hotel in Prince George. Excellent service. Good parking.

  • Glenn Howard

    Glenn Howard


    A reliable hotel. The rooms are clean and up to date. The front desk is friendly and efficient. There is easy and ample parking. There are two restaurants on site. The hotel is in the downtown core, and has easy access to many amenities. I'd stay here again.

  • en

    Lena Johnson


    They made our stay very special with rose petals spread across the floor, towol swan sitting on the edge of the bed, Champaign and chocolate covered strawberries, 2 beautiful bath bombs to use in the amazing ly big, deep tub with a separate TV to watch while bathing, big bottles of bath product's and a $40.00 credit for breakfast the next day. And to Top it all off we had a balcony and a King size bed Best night in a very long time. Thanks Coast Inn Of The North.

  • Carrie-Ann Broughton

    Carrie-Ann Broughton


    Clean and roomy. Staff was friendly and great help. They were amazi g with our dog as well. The kid loved the pool and the restaurant was great.

  • en

    Jennifer Stadler


    Very nice hotel! Good location and very reasonably priced. The rooms and very nice and clean. It might sound odd but a big perk to me was the huge bottles of shampoo and conditioner. If your like me and have long, thick hair, those tiny bottles that most hotels have don't do anything! Will definitely stay here again!

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