Coast Capital Savings i Victoria

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaCoast Capital Savings



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1150, Douglas Street, V8W 3M9, Victoria, Capital, CA Canadá
kontakter telefon: +1 250-483-7000
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.4248866, Longitude: -123.3655575

kommentar 5

  • Jason Lozada

    Jason Lozada


    listen to the comments above and don't come here, UNEXCEPTIONALLY UNDERSTAFFED.

  • en

    Miriam Lank


    If possible I would give 3.5 stars. There's nothing really wrong with Coast, but here are a few things to keep in mind if you're going to bank with them... 1) Their credit card system is not done through the credit union (as opposed to Vancity) and I'm not a big fan of Desjardins. They're really pushy about buying insurance, and I find their website almost impossible to use. 2) CCSCU charges you on top of any ATMs for withdrawl. Again, Vancity doesn't have this annoying feature. Every time you use any ATM that inst coast (or an affiliate credit union), you are charged $2.50 by Coast on top of the ATM fee!! So you're looking at $6.00 fees for taking out a $20, which is pretty ridiculous. 3) The lineups are out the door at the Bay Centre branch. Other than that it's fine. The free chequing account is great, no minimum amount needed to keep it. Everyone I've dealt with personally has been fantastic, once you're sitting down with someone the customer service is great- it's just getting in can be a pain.

  • en

    Obie Dubya


    Vancity > Coast Capital. Transitioning to a Bank. Just skip this and head to Vancity

  • Steven Grandy

    Steven Grandy


    Staff are helpful and friendly but the branch is understaffed. If you are in a hurry during peak hours, it may make sense to use the James Bay branch. (No business line)

  • Pedram Darban

    Pedram Darban


    Great Experience from a friendly and helpful team, walked in here first to get a mortgage for my condo was pleased by exceptional service offered by Kelly McNeil and now living in my new condo

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