Co-op Gas Bar de Saskatoon

CanadaCo-op Gas Bar



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1755, Preston Avenue North, S7N 4V2, Saskatoon, Division No. 11, CA Canadá
contact téléphone: +1 306-933-0356
site web:
plus grande carte et directions
Latitude: 52.148608, Longitude: -106.6176379

commentaires 5

  • Shawn Setyo

    Shawn Setyo


    Friendly gas attendants.

  • Aaron Arnault

    Aaron Arnault


    One of my fav gas places with good staff

  • en

    Kirstin Meier


    I pulled up to coop this afternoon with a low tire not knowing anything about how to fill it up! Brayden came out and not only filled and checked all of my tire pressures but also took the time to explain how to do it myself if this ever happens again! He was extremely helpful and I am very thankful! Will definitely be back!

  • kur dee

    kur dee


    Easy access, rarely over crowded, friendly staff. Has 2 car wash bays so usually at least 1 is working, whereas other stations with only 1 car wash bays you never know if it's a wasted trip until you get there. Sells propane, has air compressor and vacuum.

  • Leanne Thompson-Hill

    Leanne Thompson-Hill


    Today I was having a well miserable day and it probably showed as work issues are never fun. I got out of my car to get gas and was in a bit of a hurry and it was busy so I started to use my card but on a full serve pump - I wish I had gotten his name but he came up and I know he sensed my grumpiness and he was so good I couldn't help but smile:) and then he went out of his way to fill my tires as he noticed they were low. I left feeling a lot better - wish there were more people like him - thank you

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