City Buick Chevrolet Cadillac GMC w Toronto

KanadaCity Buick Chevrolet Cadillac GMC



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1900, Victoria Park Avenue, M1R 1T6, Toronto, Toronto Division, CA Canadá
kontakt telefon: +1 416-751-5920
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 43.7442241, Longitude: -79.3114212

komentarze 5

  • en

    Peter Koutsothanassis


    What can you say about city Buick? Whether you are there just for service, buy some parts or looking for a new vehicle you cannot beat the customer service experience you will receive. I highly recommend coming here for any of your GM product needs. Anytime I've had any work done I always have left with a smile on my face and a properly running vehicle.

  • en

    Kevin Mac Pakingan


    They provided excellent service! I had my problem in my steering so I called them, and they booked me eagerly. By the time I got there, they were already waiting for me. Since it will take 3hours to fix the car,they dropped me off to our house. They called me and picked me up too. They were short in staffs but they still provided the drop off and pick up. They are unbelievable! They assisted me so much with all these problems with my car. It is really a great experience that I came their for help. They are very honest too. I would definitely recommend them. THANKS to all the Chevrolet staffs at VICTORIA PARK and LAWRENCE AVE E location!!!

  • Rylea Bayda

    Rylea Bayda


    Bought my first car here and it couldn’t have been easier. The sales team was amazing, my sales representative (Van) made the whole experience painless and has continued to follow up to make sure the car is everything I wanted it to be. I would definitely recommend this dealership, we even made the hour’s commute to go there. I would recommend this dealership and Van to anyone looking to purchase a car.

  • en

    Ariel Roldan


    Goran Delic is very accommodating, respectful and friendly. Other employees I met were courteous and approachable. The employee who did the work was quality conscious and put added value to his work by rendering extra time to clean my car. Good job guys!

  • en

    See Jay


    My experience at city Buick today, was good. It was also good on my last visit. I have had poor service in the past from city, but since having Chris Boodlal manage my visit it has improved. Chris is phenomenal, his explanations and patience makes for a very pleasant visit. He is the reason I continue to come to city and not seek a cheaper alternative.

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