Chestnut Residence i Toronto

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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CanadaChestnut Residence


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89, Chestnut Street, M5G 1R1, Toronto, CA Canada
kontakter telefon: +1 416-977-0707
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.6545368, Longitude: -79.3855805

kommentar 5

  • Andrew Shan

    Andrew Shan


    I normally don't go for these small business taco stands on the highway over somewhere like taco bell. But I saw this place off i95 and I thought why not. Now I love it and there's no where else I'd get my tacos from.

  • Joshua Madero

    Joshua Madero


    Excellent service , all the time. Good price for an all you can eat

  • Cinthia Olveda

    Cinthia Olveda


    Beautiful building but parking will only accept cash which is pretty inconvenient.

  • Michael Apollo

    Michael Apollo


    Great conference space for larger events. Helpful staff and all amenities. There is a ballroom that can fit up to 600 people with a mainstage, around 20+ rooms fitting 50-150people and a great catering service.

  • MH K

    MH K


    This place is located between Bay st and University st, pretty close to downtown Toronto. Subway (St. Patrick) is only 3 min walk. If you stay in Toronto more than a week, this place is good candidate. Room is OK, but not super OK though.

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